Wolves in sheeps clothing are not Sheep
and you know what - i am sick to death of this pathetic weak kneed attitude to the truth...
should Martin Luther have taken this advice we would never have had the protestant reformation in 1517.
should the apostle Paul have taken this advice he wouldn't have written Galations... or Timothy for that matter
“I solemnly charge you…preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.” (4:1-2)
more people should have a little more guts to stand up to pastors/leaders who corrupt the teaching of the Bible for their own gain - they do us no good... anon also assumes that i regard certain groups that call themselves "Christian" actually are Christian... Wolves in sheeps clothing are not Sheep
this same anon earlier on the same string said
"PS.. I am a capitalist but not a materialist, I must have huge amounts of excess cash in order to achieve the goals for the Kingdom that God has placed in my heart."
what sort of bullshit is this????? this person obviously has no idea of what it is to be a Christian... Being a Christian is a complete worldview that subverts every vain philosophy that the world puts up to cope with the position of falleness that we find ourselves in... a capitalist puts faith in money (the profit motivation - based on selfishness) to cure the worlds problems... a communist believes in command economies and redistribution of wealth...
more careful consideration is needed of the concept of "in the world but not of the world" ... we live and work in a capitalist democracy... but we are neither capitalist or democrats.
the Western Church has syncretised its beliefs with non-Christian worldviews so seemlessly that it can't now comprehend that God is opposed to those beliefs or is even capable of having his will done without our money...
Dear Anon
you are not a mega-overcomer/warrior princess out their taking the world by storm for Christ....... You are white trash, garbage, refuse, worthless decaying dung that has no value whatsoever save for that one thing... The Creator of the universe through his Grace and Divine Fiat has placed value in you and decided that you were worth dying for... why? I honestly don't know but I'm sure glad he did
what is my purpose
what went wrong
where do i go from here
these questions are answered by the Christian worldview in a complete and non contradictory way
and the thing is whether your a stay at home mum, dying of cancer in hospital, running the country or starving in africa .. we all have a lifelong quest to answer these questions… as Christians we believe that we have answered these questions… the problem the church faces is how do we get our answers across to our neighbours when (in one sense) they seem to be speaking another language?
God designed us to share his creation but in our rebellion we want to own his creation and be master of it ourselves and money helps us do that.
Money is not a neutral thing... it is more powerful than sex,power, material things, position, fame etc because money offers them all... good things can be done with money of course but as humans we are (in our natural state of rebellion) unable to do the right thing with it separate from God's grace... it is only ever through Gods grace that i will ever do any good with what i have.
it is obviously a multifaceted problem the church is facing, and my opinion is focussing on certain areas only, but, i believe wholeheartedly that the area of apologetics and an overarching understanding of the biblical narrative or ‘worldview’ is are two areas where the church has not come to grips with the present day reality.
our pastors are trained to engage in a world that does not exist anymore, modernism is dead and postmodernism reigns…
so many pastors i have spoken to have no idea about what postmodernism even is… how can they reach or train their congregations to reach a society they don’t understand and can’t relate to. most of the time they are preaching to the converted in an effort to make them feel better as opposed to equipping them to engage the world in a manner that is going to be effective in the slightest…
ask these questions of your average church goer..
1. can you show me reasonable evidence for the existence of God.
2. how can you say you are right and i am wrong when truth is relative
3. what is the purpose of humanity
4. hasn’t evolution disproved the existence of God
5. whats the difference between believing in God and believing in Santa Claus
6. don’t all religions lead to God
now some here will give great answers i know but you average Christian will have no idea and i know many pastors that would give the most pathetic kindergarten answers to these questions…
we are fighting a battle in the nuclear age with bows and arrows
I am guessing you don't like Hillsong. Well instead of tearing a fellow Christian group or individual down why not focus your time & efforts on the LOST as you ascertain in other posts on this site. Let God be the judge, we are only calle dto the lost.