
Evolution v Intelligent Design v Creationism

I was recently at the University of NSW to hear a lecture by Robyn Williams (no not the comedian- the science journalist) on Intelligent Design for the launch of his new book called 'unintelligent design' (no real points for originality)... anyway

the scientific establishment is bent on amalgamating Intelligent Design (ID) with Young Earth Creationsim (YEC) which seems to kill 2 birds with the one stone, but, only after forcing ID into a sort of 'straw man' marriage with YEC.

there are excellent arguements against YEC and a few were illiterated on the night but the arguements against ID were of woeful quality.

To make matters worse, I engaged in conversation with a bright biology student who invited me to discuss things with him on 'scam.com' where a protracted debate was being held in regards the evolution/creation debate.... only to find stupid Christians who have no idea of how to debate a point properly let alone represent thier faith in an appropriate manner, basically vandalising the debate.

see http://www.scam.com/showthread.php?p=281448#post281448 for more detail on how not to do it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi abtruth, the link didn't work for me, pity, I was looking forward to reading you debate this point a little. I saw the movie "Unlocking the Mystery of Life" recently. It seemed good to me but I don't have the background to argue it except on the most basic level.

My brother-in-law is a Calvinist theologian and YEC apologist and we get on fine until YEC comes up and I say, "I'm not so sure about that brother". Then he looks at me with disgust. Nice guy though. Stern but sincere with a good heart.

2:23 am  
Blogger Ab Truth said...

Hi halieus

it worked for me jus then??

i wouldn't worry about the site though... too many people cutting and pasting vast amounts of stuff..

i have no problem with YECers unless they give the line that YEC interpretation is the only possible interpretation and that any other calls into question the entire validity of the bible itself.

1:03 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got it this time. I must have left a space in front of the http or something like that.

I didn't read it all but I totally see what you mean on your original entry. I sympathise with you, what a pain. And the worst is I could tell the anti-theists where really interested in having a logical debate with someone of some calibre but you couldn't get a word in edgeways between "Jesus is Lord" and "you worship Lucifer" type of thing. Thoroughly unhelpful.

On the issue of YECers I agree, that's pretty much my position as well.

5:58 pm  
Blogger Ab Truth said...

if your interested the debate has taken an upward swing

on a later page

check out


the fun starts about half way down

i would appreciate suggestions to my arguementation

12:08 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi abtruth,

I read up to the last post tonight. Brilliant! I love your logical arguments.You have their respect too it seems, a feat in itself! I think they've also made some important concessions. Well done, it looks like fun.

2:10 am  

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