money is a strange thing.. we werent meant to have money - it is a human construction designed to deal with our relationships with each other separate from God.
God designed us to share his creation but in our rebellion we want to own his creation and be master of it ourselves and money helps us do that.
Money is not a neutral thing... it is more powerful than sex,power, material things, position, fame etc because money offers them all... good things can be done with money of course but as humans we are (in our natural state of rebellion) unable to do the right thing with it separate from God's grace... it is only ever through Gods grace that i will ever do any good with what i have.
God designed us to share his creation but in our rebellion we want to own his creation and be master of it ourselves and money helps us do that.
Money is not a neutral thing... it is more powerful than sex,power, material things, position, fame etc because money offers them all... good things can be done with money of course but as humans we are (in our natural state of rebellion) unable to do the right thing with it separate from God's grace... it is only ever through Gods grace that i will ever do any good with what i have.
I have plenty of power, fame and sex, but no money. Does it work the other way around? I could sell all three if you're buying.
Oh money is definitely neutral. HOWEVER its latent power and ultimate influence of either good, bad or indiferent is completely dependent on who has the money.
I plan to get some and do much good with it.
my point is that it is not neutral because it is a corruption of the way we were intended to live 'pre fall'...
this is a more severe and obvious example .. but i think it illustrates my point... is pornography neutral? i mean is it just a naked woman whos picture is neither good bad or indifferent depending on what i do with it???
no it is designed to gratify our corrupted desire for sex and intimacy.. (i am not going to die on a hill defending this one, but it kinda illustrates my point)
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